
Gelsemium sempervirens

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Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Yellow Jessamine, False Jasmine
Common name: Carolina Yellow Jessamine, False Jasmine
Family: Gelsemiaceae
Distribution: North America
IUCN Red list: Not evaluated
Hardiness: 7a
Life form: Vine/liana
Comments: This vine's woody, twining stem often attains great height, with its growth depending upon its chosen support, as well as its stem that can run underground for a considerable distance. It contains a milky juice and bears evergreen leaves. The yellow flowers grow in axillary clusters of one to five, and are large, funnel-shaped, and very fragrant. The fruit is composed of two separable, jointed pods containing numerous, flat-winged seeds. Be wary of the roots though, as they are considered poisionous if ingested.
Links: The Plant ListWikipedia


  • 1: Center Lake • Accession: 2015-1308/1 • Provenance: Garden
  • 2: Center Lake • Accession: 2015-590/1 • Provenance: Garden
Cluster Area Area
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